Porn gay men anime

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He does get a job at the literary section but turns out he has been put in the shoujo manga department. He applies for a job in Marukawa publishing company and hopes to get a position in the literary section. When he no longer could bear the jealous attitudes of his co-workers, he decides to quit his job and join another publishing company to prove his worth. He is quite good at his job but still, people think he only has the job because his father is the owner. Ritsu works as an editor in his father’s publishing company. The protagonists of the anime are Ritsu Onodera and Masamune Takano. Two are gay anime series, one is a film, and one is an Original Video Animation. There have been four anime adaptations of the manga.

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Sekaiichi Hatsukoi is based on a light novel which first came out in the year 2006.

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